Now that this website has been up for two years, it is time to grow it a bit. I am offering up (almost) all of the magazines I use for historical content on this website for sale. All of the magazines are used, so some of them might be missing pages from ripped staples or cutouts from previous owners. I think my pricing is pretty competitive with what you can find on auction, especially after international shipping. Rather than overcharge you like some magazines you find on eBay, I consider it breaking even if I get to at least scan it to use it for inspiration for articles.

On top of that, we have some stickers available as well. This is to help me out with website hosting and maybe give me an incentive to keep doing this. So far I have been losing money on this at about $20 a month, not to mention all the time scanning, cropping, renaming, translating, and writing. I am also trying to work to get a few ads on the pages as well to hopefully cover server costs from here on out.

I would also like to add new magazines in stock at all times and maybe some other merch ideas.

Currently, we are only going to have shipping available for US customers only. Magazines are expensive to ship and I have had complaints about how much shipping is to places like Australia. We will have pickup options like at New Years Touring in Canada for those that are attending that. Eventually, stickers will have international shipping, but down the road.

The shop will be live on January 1st, hope you find something you like.


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